ARCH655 Final Project of Turning Torso, Sweden
Bitong Yang1. Practice Objectives
2. Expectation
This project is based on the Project 1, "Parametric Modeling of Turning Torso". I am trying to apply a variety of building surfaces on the tower with different methods, which we have learnt during the past half semester, including paneling tools and algorithms (voronoi), to create and design creative morphing of parametric patterns.
3. Problems
I first tried to bake the original model and join the surface to be used to attach the skins. However, since the surface is with shape angles, the model can't be modified as supposed to be. So I made a smooth surface without shape angles to test if it can be successful. The results shows that smooth surface can be better used than the faceted one.
4. Skin Pattern 1_Box Morph
4.1 After the test, I simplify my model base map into a smooth curve shape and get the distorted model as the reference surface for further command. First, I create two cubic boxes in the rhino, one into a solid square cube, one into a solid square cube with a cylinder hole inside. I want set these two boxes as the reference.
4.2 Then I divide the model surface into equal segments, and create the twisted box on the surface to make it into 3D. And after I reference the geometries, and I dispatch the surface box into two item, and use the Bounding Box to represent the bounding area occupied as the box.
4.3 Finally, I distribute each one into a different geometry bounding box, and morph the object to establish the skin surface by using the Box Morph.
5. Skin Pattern 2_Paneling Tool_Morph3D
5.1 Morph3D has the similar function as the Morphbox. While the Morph3D has more controller and reflects better results. First, I create the skin pattern for further reference. set the surface, and use the paneling tool to create grids on the surface domain by the numbers, which can be controlled by the slider.
5.2 Then use the amplitude to control the thickness of the skin. And create a curve surrounding the model in the middle. It is used as the curve attractor which will control the distribution of points. Finally by using the Morph3D, I create the skin pattern on the model.
6. Skin Pattern 3_Voronoi
6.1 By this method, I want use Voronoi to create a skin pattern and use the paneling tool to make the tower skin. First, I make a rectangular surface, and create the polygon cells inside the frame by using the Populate 2D and Voronoi. And offset the curves and rebuild them. After extruding the curves.
6.2 Following the previous steps in the Skin Pattern 2 to create the skin on the tower.
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